Sunday, August 24, 2008


So here's the funniest story ever :P

We crossed into New York, and there was this sign that said: CANADA ONE MILE. So we decided to just go see the Canadian border. We drove until we passed a section of giant orange cones. WE figured it was roadwork or something, so dad kept driving. We passed a large brick building with toll-like booths in front of it. We thought nothing of it, and kept driving. Suddenly, dad said "Um, I think we just passed customs." (Customs are the people that patrol the border so no illegal aliens get in other countries) He turned around and made a mad dash back to American soil... or so we thought. We couldn't get through until we dealed with the customs dude at the booth. Dad pulled up and was like "Uh, Hi, I was just heading towards the Canadian border, and I realized I'd gone to far, so I spun around and it was just a mistake." The customs guy gave him this really stern look and he went "Oh, I see. Can I please have some ID." Now, the conversation had only gotten two sentences in and I was already completely mortified. Dad handed him his drivers license and he took it will the stern look still tight on his face. "Who's in the back with you there?" He asked. "My daughter." Dad answered obidiently. "and this your son?" Dad nodded. The customs officer  entered dad's license info in the computer, searching for things, in case dad was like a psycho freak mass murderer or something @_@.  The whole time dad kept explaing "These guys just wanted to see the border, it was a simple mistake." He would say, gesturing to me and Nick. (Thanks Dad, blame it on us) The customs guy gave dad back his ID, and asked him questions like, "where ya comin' from?" and "Where ya headed?" and finally he said "Have a nice day" and we drove off. For the whole rest of vacation, we joked that I should have talked like a mexican when he asked who was in the back. That would not have been good. And, as it turned out, we didn't even make it to Canada, the dude who gave us a hard time was really US customs, so we really had no reason for trouble, since we didn't even make it out of America. But, needless to say, every time dad screwed up, Nick and I jokingly threatened to call customs on him. He was certainly the laughing stock of the trip. LOL  


Emily said...

oh hadley that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny

Emily said...

hadley i made a new blog for one of lauras challenges i hope u dont take it like i copied u