Wednesday, April 27, 2011

- doodles -

Firework lyrics/ quote Katy Perry

Smile Lyrics

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Challenge Away!!!!


Summer Checklist!
Complete each activity and give the required proof in your answer comment
Please complete in order

  1. Find the name of a very popular vacation spot of your choice and list the name along with three things you would do if you could travel there.
  2. Find instructions for a summer-related craft and give me the link to the website
  3. Find the best recipe in which one ingredient is lemonade and give me the link
  4. Find the awesomest picture of a sun possible and give me the link to it
  5. Find instructions on how to set up a summer obstacle course and give me the link
Note: the following tasks require photos. To get credit, give me a link to any place I can find your extra credit pictures.

  1. Make the summer craft and take a pic - 1/2 an extra point
  2. Make the lemonade recipe and take a pic - 1 extra point
  3. Draw your own awesome sun and take a pic - 1/2 ex. point
  4. Set up the course and go through it, and TAKE A PIC!! - 2 ex. points!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cheshire Cat

As my friends know, I got the Cheshire Cat in a production of Alice in Wonderland Jr. So, I went around and found a bunch of pictures of him. Your job is to tell me which one you like best! Comment! Comment! Comment! (Btw, if you haven't guessed, I'm writing in pink and purple because that's the colors he is!)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maximum Ride?

Okay people. So I'm torn between two series here. I am totally completely obsessed with The Twilight Saga (If you don't know what that is - which you should!!! - Check it out Here) But my friends (Yes, I'm talking about you, Laura and Jordan!) are hooked on a series called Maximum Ride. (See Here) I'm not really sure if I want to read the Maximum Ride Series, so I've decided that my amazing faithful readers can maybe help me decide. For about 15 days I will keep a poll open (located on the right side of the page) and you guys vote. Yes, I know that having random people make my choices for me is a sure sign that I need to get a life, but please people... JUST VOTE!

Torn Between Two,