Sunday, April 27, 2008


Okay, so a ton of people have this topic on blogs now- "Go Green" and "Earth Day, Everyday", but going green really is an important topic right now. I found an awesome website that helps you go green, and you get rewarded for it! Check it out at it has blogs you can write, polls you create, a "How green are you?" quiz, and steps to be a greener person. Plus, lots more!


Have you heard about Canada's seal slaughter? They club poor baby seals for their skins and worse yet... for fun. This absolutely horrifies me! Does anyone have a heart? I recently got a traveling email called "Seal or no seal?" It explains how these people go out and just club baby and adult seals to death just for personal enjoyment and gain... mortifying. Just look at that face and ask yourself... Would anyone have the heart to take a club to that poor thing? Also ask yourself  -  Would I have the heart to do that? If any of you say yes to the second question, then that is sick. Do something. Don't just clam up at the thought of it. Speak up.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I have a bookshelf in my room filled with many unread books. One dreary, rainy, day, I picked up a random book. I basically closed my eyes and pointed. I took out "In the Stone Circle" By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel. My copy didn't have the printed description on the back, so I just had to read. I got addicted, and I read the entire book in one day! I definitely recommend it!