Monday, September 1, 2008

Challenge #11

What are they thinking? I went to a town called Bennington in Vermont, and there were all these lifelike statues. Your challenge is to think of a full name (first, middle, last) and to say what they're thinking. Good Luck! P.S. The pictures you see are not all of them! There were a ton! Since the pictures won't be in order, when you write their description, make sure you describe the picture you're talking about. 


Emily said...

photo number one-the grocerry carrying lady- this will be ELSIE LAUREN WILLIKER- she was just comeing back fom the groccery store when she saw something in the window at a pet store.

photo 2- the man in the tuxedo- robert louis pryer- he is hedding to his friends wedding when he realises he's late he trys to call a cab but he can not get one.

photo 3- the man with the rake- george daniel fritter- he is a farmer he had just gotten a cup of coffe and he was carrying a rake to a store to get fixed he notices some leaves on the ground he decides that it would be a good idea to rake then up.

photo 4- the old guy with the blue hat- paul harry tingler- he was just walking in the park when a tv crew comes up to him and tells him he just won a free living room make over.

photo 5- the person on the bench- charlie fred geraldy- he was worknig on the railway when his wife brought him some hot cocoa and he took a break and sat on the bench and lookes at the beautiful scenery.

photo 6- the guy in the yellow shirt- brian david hillians- he is a tourist to vermont and it is a very sunny day and he is trying to find his way to ben and jerry's so he is looking at the street signs.

photo 7-the police man- harry garry delio- he is doing his usual rounds when he comes to a little girl around five crying on the side walk. he goes to her and he says that se lost her mom so the police man finds her mom and the live happily ever after.

photo 8- the 2 kids- the girl karren lilly hager- the boy brandon micheal hager- karren and brandon both bring money to the fsir and brandon spends his on toys but he wants an icecream. karren saves her money and buys 1 icecream just for her self brandon asks for a bite but karren says n so they start to fight over it.

Hadley said...

Wow em, you put a ton of work into this! I purposely put just faces of some people to confuse you of what they were doing- to see if you could read their expression. Like for example, the dude in the yellow shirt is actually wiping his forehead because he was mowing (he is standing with a mower in real life.) It was fun to see your assumptions. a prize will be coming your way emily, so this is the closing challenge of summer :)