Sunday, September 14, 2008


Welcome to loop #1 with a ... Halloween theme! Halloween is just next month, and because it's my favorite holiday, I thought I'd get people excited about it EARLY!!
Here's your challenge you ghosts and ghouls:

Complete 4 of the 5 activities listed and post them on YOUR BLOG! If you do all five, you get an extra point!!
  • Post a picture of yourself in a halloween costume
  • Find a picture of an animal in a scary costume (and give credit to the site you got it from)
  • Write a short story or poem about halloween
  • Post a blog post on your favorite holiday and why
  • Write about what your being for halloween and why
Remember: All completions of an activity listed must go on YOUR BLOG!!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

hadley i did your challenge.