Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Challenge #7

Try this then, instead of using the application on the website to create a character, use your brain! give me three paragraphs about a boy character, and then one about a girl character. I will post an example later. first paragraph should have details of their life - where they live, how old they are, their lifestyle (are they rich, dirt poor??), if they have a job, what their job is etc.
Second paragraph should be about what they look like. are they tall, skinny , thin, chubby , have brown hair? etc. You need to go into as much detail as you possibly can. Do they have crooked teeth? a mole? floppy ears? It doesn't matter! just have details! Try this out. do all three paragraphs for EACH person! Good Luck! 


Emily said...


liam mconell lives in sydney australia. his mom and dad are the worlds biggest shrimp manufactuers so they are very very rich. while liams parents are traveling around the world looking for new shrimp recipes liam and his little sister carly are home in a house big enough for two. while carly is at prep school liam works at the sydney opera house as a ticket seller. on the weekends liam and carly go surfing since there house is right on the beach. when liam gets home from work at 3:00 he takes an online college course at B.C.

liam has light blonde ahir wich comes down to about his shoulders and is angled and is kind of shaggy. when he goes surfing he wears a wet suit with 2 red stripes and in the middle one big off white stripe. when he is not working or surfing he usually wears bemuda shorts with a t-shirt and tan or black flp flops. when he is working liam wears black flip flops with black bermuda shorts a t-shirt and a red vest.

liam like to surf. he also like to skate board. he dosent admit this but he likes to spend time with carly. when he is off on his own liam says that he wants to become a piolet or an astronot. in highschool he had a 4.0 grade point average and got straight a's.


maggie is a 18 yearold girl with very very very very very very very very very very very very rich parents. she lives in phenoix arizona. her parents work in the stock markets and were and and still are very succesfull. she has a little sister named APRIL. maggie is taking an online college course fir B.C. on the weekends maggie earns money by baby sitting kids in her gated community. her sister also babysits and goes to a prep school.

maggie has blonde blonde hair wich is preety long and has kind of a wave to it. she has freckles like a bridge going across her nose. when she and her sister goes to charity events she only wears dresses from the hottest fashion designers. she only wears shoes for events and for every day made by jimmie choo. for every day and baby sitting wear she wears clothes from HOLLISTER, ABERCROMBIE, AND AEROPOSTLE. all of her acceseries and bags some from icing and clairs.

maggies hobbies are shopping with her sister. she also like to babysit. when she is off on her own she wants to be a model. when she is not abay sitting she works at a child care center in the 6 months to 1 year area. in highschool she had a 4.0 grade point average. she was the highest in her school for her interior design class.

Hadley said...

Very good!! Emily is 7 to 1 (i know there are not 8 challenges but the bonus challenge was still counted)